Version 2 Date January 2020 Reference 72

Key Points
  1. Good coverage is critical –particularly to protect lower leaves where infection from rain splash spores can be initiated.
  2. Many protectant type fungicides such as procymidone require adjuvants to improve leaf coverage, uptake and rainfastness.
  3. The unique characteristics of BIOPEST® as a spreader and sticker improve the efficacy of fungicides by increasing droplet size for targeting lower leaves, increasing coverage & uptake on hard to wet waxy canola leaf surfaces and increasing the persistence of preventative fungicides through improved rainfastness.

Image 1: Infection starting from petal fall on leaf 

Chart 1: Life cycle of sclerotinia stem rot



Good spray coverage is required to provide the effective dose of fungicide needed to protect susceptible leaf surfaces. When 2.0L/Ha of BIOPEST®  was used in 30L/Ha of water applied by air – coverage was equivalent to 40L/Ha of water alone.

If using ground rigs it is important to set up nozzles, water volumes, pressures and travel speed to deliver droplets in the medium to coarse range – larger droplets will better penetrate the crop foliage and target disease lower on the plant (refer Fig 3 & 4).

Application methods and adjuvants greatly influence fungicide coverage; by emulsifying the active ingredient using specialised micro emulsions to improve leaf deposition, rainfastness, droplet formation and most importantly tissue absorption.

For fungicides like procymidone – oil based adjuvants such as BIOPEST® have been proven to be more efficacious than non-ionic surfactants as they result in greater movement into the leaf of the fungicide, and improved surface retention (refer Fig 5 & 6).

In addition, the higher viscosity of oil based products such as BIOPEST® – results in a more even droplet spectrum, greater crop foliage penetration and coverage on lower leaves.

Chart 2: Increase in Canola Leaf Surface Coverage with the addition of BIOPEST. (Source: Agvivo demonstration trial June 2014).

Graph 3: Canola yield from Biopest + fungicide mixtures (Source: SACOA/Kalyx DEC 16– Application timing 15% flowering)

Graph 4: Canola yield from Biopest + fungicide mixtures (Source: SACOA/Kalyx DEC 16– Application timing 50% flowering)


Over the winter of 2016 SACOA conducted seven fully replicated field trials – to evaluate the effectiveness of BIOPEST® in improving the effectiveness of fungicides such as Prosaro, Aviator, Folicur, Sumisclex and Strobulurins.

Applied at various stages of flowering in mixtures with liquid UAN – these trials proved the benefits of BIOPEST® in assisting fungicides control disease with positive yield impacts of up to 300kg/Ha. (refer Fig 5 & 6).

Image 2: Coverage & leaf wetting can be improved significantly with the addition of Biopest in a spray mix.

Image 5 & 6: Christiaan Valentine from DPIRD with new sclerotinia spore traps – A number are now in place across WA with the Wickepin area showing high levels of apothecia development



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This document should act as a guide only and no purchase or usage decisions should be made based on the information provided without obtaining independent, expert advice. SACOA and contributors do not necessarily recommend or endorse any products or manufacturers referred to. SACOA Pty Ltd will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information contained in this document. More information is available from SACOA via or 08 9386 7666, or by contacting your local reseller.
© 2020 SACOA Pty Ltd All Rights Reserved. SACOA and the GREEN S icon, ENHANCE, CROPSHIELD, PLANTOCROP, BIOPEST, XSEED, ANTIEVAP, STIFLE, SE14 and LURE H2O are registered trademarks of SACOA Pty Ltd.