BIOPEST® is the industry standard spray oil for use in bananas and other tropical fruit to assist in the control of fungal diseases and scale insects. Adjuvants such as canola oil based X-SEED® are also used to improve the efficacy of pesticide sprays.

Banana & Tropical Fruit IPM Products

BIOPEST® Paraffinic Oil

A uniquely pure iso-paraffinic oil formulation designed for use in combination with and/ or as a stand-alone fungicide or insecticide.


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SUMMER Insecticidal Spray Oil

An emulsifiable, highly refined, agricultural spray oil to control pests and diseases on many horticultural crops in IPM programs for sustainable long-term control.


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X-SEED® Spray Oil

A unique blend of emulsifiers and environmentally renewable, super de-gummed Canola oil. An excellent general-purpose adjuvant suitable for use in a broad range of crop situations.


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BIOPEST’s Role in Banana Disease Management and IPM Programs

BIOPEST® is a highly refined food-grade iso-paraffinic oil formulation that is the industry standard in bananas as a fungicide for the management of leaf spot and leaf speckle and as a carrier for pesticides to improve the level of kill or enhance coverage. With an unmatched level of purity BIOPEST® represents the most advanced attempt yet to provide growers with a product capable of effective control whilst remaining safe to grower’s plants and the environment.

Product Registration

BIOPEST® is currently registered for use in bananas for the management of leaf spot and leaf speckle and as a carrier for pesticides to improve the level of kill or enhance coverage. SACOA are currently working to amend the label shown below to reduce the rates required. Note: Registration For Sucking Pests In Bananas

BIOPEST® is registered for the control of thrips, mites and other sucking pests in other crops such as citrus. SACOA will be conducting the necessary work to seek registration for the control of these pests in bananas.

Tank Mixing

It is important to ensure safety and compatibility when mixing spray products.