We deliver innovative products for sustainable farming.

At DKSH Agrisolutions, we are committed to providing innovation to the agricultural industry across Australia and New Zealand.

The merger of SST and SACOA to become one single entity, DKSH Agrisolutions, provides our clients and customers with over 30 years of knowledge, experience, and services, such as networking opportunities within the DKSH Group, creating a unique customer experience and in-road to interact with global specialists.

DKSH Agrisolutions formulates premium agricultural crop protection adjuvants and specialty products for broadacre, cotton, horticulture, and turf applications in Australia and New Zealand .


Working With Farmers as Partners

DKSH Agrisolutions works with partners across the industry as well as farmers to provide solutions that are tailored to local conditions across the varied geographies of Australia and New Zealand. Our R&D division collaborates with our technical sales team, manufacturing sites, and leading Australian Universities to analyse and develop quality formulations for the agricultural industry.

The climate and soil types in Australia and New Zealand are some of the most challenging in the world for agricultural productivity. DKSH Agrisolutions endeavours to help growers sustainably overcome some of these issues by offering a diverse product range and innovative solutions developed in close collaboration with our local partners.

DKSH Agrisolutions is your trusted distribution partner, delivering the largest and most comprehensive adjuvant product range to the farming industries across Australia and New Zealand.