BIOPEST has been developed and proven to be an integral component of any IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program. Reduced reliance on traditional chemistry, reduced spray costs, no known pest resistance issues and minimal impact on beneficial insects are just a few of BIOPEST’s IPM benefits.
Importantly, BIOPEST is not designed to provide a 100% kill rate when used on its own. By leaving a residue pest population, BIOPEST maintains some food source for beneficial predator insects, thereby encouraging their continued presence.
Research has highlighted a number of important application factors that will influence the benefits achieved through the use of BIOPEST.
Effect of leaf surface spraying on aphid mortality. Within each graph and time, means followed by the same letters are not significantly different (p>0.05) (Scheffés Multiple Comparison Test).
Ensuring adequate coverage with BIOPEST is essential. There are two important aspects to this:
With BIOPEST acting on contact with pests, and many pests located on the underside of the leaf, it is essential that spray reaches both sides as highlighted in the research results shown at right.
Thorough and even coverage on the plant maximises contact with the pests. BIOPEST assists this outcome through its proprietary formulation that is designed to maximise the sticking and spreading of the spray on the leaf’s surface, thereby maximising surface coverage. As an nC24 oil with a highly effective emulsifier, BIOPEST offers a greater ability to spread than a heavier oil.
BIOPEST is designed to be most effective as a suppression tool. The best results are achieved when a proactive spraying program is adopted. This should involve commencing use in early season and in conjunction with a range of sprays such as foliar fertilisers as well as insecticide sprays.
In heavy pest populations BIOPEST is generally used in conjunction with a traditional insecticide.